We awoke to this glorious sight this morning.....
No alarm, no shocking sound nudged us from sleep.... nope. Just opened our eyes to a quiet peaceful morning, and discovered this beautiful rosy glow in the sky to greet us.
Now this may not seem like anything special to some of you - but remember that we live in the Great Gray NorthWest and haven't seen the sun or the actual sky for weeks now! It's been nothin' but gray clouds and rain. And wind. Lots of wind. So seeing this was a real treat, in more ways than one....
We've asked the Universe a few questions lately.... mostly having to do with what our next step is. Our biggest concern is missing an opportunity, or not being clear on what to do next. Last night we went to sleep with one particular question on our minds. This morning's light show was like an answer straight from God: "If I can wake you up so you won't miss something as beautifully simple as this sunrise, don't you think I'll make sure you notice the opportunities and path before you?" Indeed!
We wish you all a most meaningful, wonderful, and Happy Thanksgiving, friends. We are so grateful for your friendship, support, and presence in our lives. You inspire us to be all that we can be, and to contribute to this marvelous world in a way that makes it better for everyone. Thank you for visiting us, coming to shows, reading our blog, and connecting with us. Blessings to you all....