'We B Junkin'!' - that was Bob's Facebook status on Saturday morning.
The Skagit County Fairgrounds hosted their semi-annual 'Giant Garage Sale' this weekend, and we were there in line before the gates opened. Armed with our carts and twine and bungee cords, we sailed through in record time and snapped up a bunch of goodies. These 'junk' items are destined to be recreated into fabulous furnishings & decor accessories for upcoming shows...
My cart seems just a
little out of proportion to Bob's shown above, but it's
filled with small stuff - and one load already went out to the truck before I took the photos! I unearthed some really neat smalls (to add to the hoard I already have....sigh.....)
I had to laugh at the reactions I got to my lined cart. I threw that thing together in half an hour (and Deb is no great seamstress) but you'd have thought I created an masterpiece! Most people at this show don't frequent the big antique sales, so they don't know about the cart revolution that has been born....the shabby cart liners and blog badges and such. I had women asking me for directions on how to do this and saying things like '
Oh.My.GAWD. look how CUTE that is!' and '
Oh, now just look what she's done to that......' as I walked past. Funny! Um, it's a burlap bag, girls. With a bit of muslin attached as an inner liner. Tied on with twine. Done. They'd
keel over if they saw the ones at Junk Revolution and Farm Chicks!!!
This is a shot of one of the booths at the sale... not your average Garage Sale setup, is it?! This one and Shyla's booth (and I can't
believe I didn't snap a photo of hers......) and
Debi Burton's were the prettiest ones there. We ran into so many friends - Dona, Jo Marie, Julie, the guys of the Coleman Lantern Club from BC (oh,
there's a story!), Jim my piano player music supplier guy - and then our sweet daughter and grandson joined us later that morning. We took a quick spin thru the barns again, then it was off for some bouncy-house fun for the lil' guy!
This week we are busy adding a few new things to our 'Danish-Inspired' space at Poppyseeds, prepping new 'French Flea Market'-style product for Sand Point, and will soon be starting some 'Industrial Revolution Country' bits. Stay tuned for sneak peeks!
Oh, and Joe just emailed us a link to an article about the BH sales in
The Oregonian. We got a mention in it from Brigitte the reporter - who fell in love with a lamp we had and just
had to take it home with her!
Edit: Ahem. I was reminded that Mr. Apodaca does not 'DO' the computer stuff, Mr. Swendell does. The email was from Jermonne, of course, and not Joe. I don't know how I got it in my head that it was from Joe. How silly of me.....! ;0)If you are reading this post anywhere other than a site/page that is licensed/owned/maintained by KENNEDY|kennedy Design, you are viewing stolen content that is being used without permission. All content in this post is original to KENNEDY|kennedy Design, KkD, and RetreatDesign.blogspot. As such is protected by Copyright. Reproduction or rebroadcast of any content in whole or part without express written permission is prohibited. Content copyright 2009 KkD; All Rights Reserved. Photo credits: Debi Ward Kennedy, 2009